Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy For Stock Items:

1.  If You Return A Product Because Of A Defect/Damaged Or Incorrect/ Incomplete Reason At The Time Of Delivery, You Can Claim A Refund. After Verifying From Our Side You Will Get The Paid Amount As A Refund Within 7 (Seven)  Working Days.

2.  In The Event of Refund We Will Be Deducting Shipping Charges, Return Charges and COD Charges for Refunds to Your Bank /Bkash Account.

  Refunds are not applicable except for these conditions.

  1. Delivered Product is damaged (physically destroyed or broken) / defective (dead on arrival)

   2. Delivered Product is incorrect (presentation/ specification different on website) / incomplete (missing parts).

  Refund Policy For Pre-Order Items:

Customers will get a full refund against their advance payment if we are unable to deliver the product within our standard delivery time (15-25) working days.

For any reason whatsoever, if GLOBAL FOOTWEAR or its authorized agents completely fail to deliver the ordered product(s), customers will get a refund as per the timeline agreed by your respective Bank. However, standard timing may take 7 (Seven) working days for the refund to your Credit Card or Debit Card or Bank Account, or through cheque.

Special Note: If the shipment is delayed for any unforeseen/unusual situation ( customs release issues, cargo airline crisis, political issues, fight off, COVID 19 and lockdown, etc).In that case, we need more time to deliver,until then please keep patience & support us.